MCC Kids

Welcome to MCC Kids!

Our desire is to come alongside your children in their walk with the Lord, specifically, to broaden their knowledge of the Bible and facilitate opportunities for them to experience God on Sunday mornings through age-appropriate prayer and worship times. We also want to be a resource for your family and will send home additional content that relates to what we’re learning on Sunday mornings so that you can connect spiritually as a family.

We have 3 different classes on Sunday mornings.

  • Toddler Class – 1-3 year olds. This class runs for the whole service and includes a Bible story, snack, and activity. 

  • Preschool & Kindergarten Class – 3-6 year olds. This class is dismissed after worship. Their class time includes a Bible story, prayer time, and a craft, activity or worship.

  • Elementary Class – 1st – 5th Grades. This class is dismissed after worship. Each week, this class will include a Bible story, prayer time, small group discussion, and a craft, activity, worship or service project.

When you arrive at MCC, you will see a kids registration table.  Once you register your child with our computerized check-in system, you and your child will receive printed name tags that we will verify following the service when you pick up your child from the gym (Toddler and Preschool & K classes) or the Elementary class area.  Our desire is to create a safe, fun, and meaningful experience for your children to grow spiritually.

If you have any questions about MCC Kids, please contact Pastor Faatimah.

MCC Kids Health Policy


Give to MCC online at the link below or via cash or check at the offering box on Sunday