Meet Our Team

Lead Pastor

Steve Mann

My name is Steve Mann, and I graduated from Lebanon Valley College in 2011 with a Master of Arts in Religion. I have my Master of Arts in Ministry from Asbury Theological Seminary. In college God took a hold of my life and led me to the world of ministry. As a college student I had the privilege of interning with a Brethren in Christ church in their youth ministry.

When the internship ended I was hired as the youth pastor. After eight formative years as the Youth Pastor at Encounter Church of Palmyra, I felt the Spirit nudge me towards pursuing a seminary degree, during which time I was a stay-at-home dad to our then one-year-old daughter. After all of those experiences I am excited and thankful to partner with Jesus in what He is doing in Mechanicsburg!

Personally, I’m hungry for Jesus’ redemptive work in my life and the lives of others. I love the church because it’s a community I’ve seen God use to bring about incredible life transformation. I long to see the local church be a visible witness of God’s intention for humanity as we experience the living God together.

When I’m not doing church stuff you can find me on the couch watching the Celtics, Penn State football, or the US Men’s Soccer Team. My wife, Gloria, and I love to laugh and spend most of our energy trying to make each other smile. Our three girls, Eloise, Josephine, and Vivienne, have picked up on this family arrangement and consistently brighten our days with their antics.

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Pastor of Discipleship and Connection

Cheryl Hopkins

Cheryl and her husband Mark have lived in the Mechanicsburg area for the past 28 years serving Mechanicsburg Brethren In Christ Church in worship ministry for 18 of those years, and Mechanicsburg Community Church for the past 9 years. They have four children, Jeremiah (married to Angela), Nathaniel (married to Katie), Luke (20), and Olivia (16).

Cheryl taught second grade at Kingdom Classical Academy hybrid school for three years. Prior to teaching second grade, she taught preschool at Mountainside Preschool in Dillsburg for five years.

She enjoys family time, exercising, all music styles, the color red, Canada (where she was born and raised), and coffee! She is passionate in loving others through intentional connection and mentor relationships, while pointing them to Jesus.

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Children and Youth Pastor

Faatimah Curry

My name is Faatimah Curry! I'm originally from Philly, but I've spent most of my life in Hershey, where I attended the Milton Hershey School. After graduating and returning to Philly, I felt a strong calling to serve and connect with fellow Christ-like believers in the heart of the city.

Since 2015, I've been incredibly fortunate to participate in mission trips to Guatemala, serve my local church as part of a pastoral team, teach and preach at youth retreats, and assist refugees and immigrants in the South Philly area. I have a degree in Early Childhood Studies from Eastern University, and I've spent many years caring for and teaching children. Watching young minds learn about the world around us is such a delight.

Outside of ministry, you'll often catch me raving about my beloved Philadelphia sports teams, especially the 76ers! I also love keeping active, treating myself to a delicious hot London Fog Latte, tuning into podcasts, and grabbing some quality nap time.

Email Faatimah

Administrative Assistant

Emily Bowman

Emily and her husband, Dave reside in Carlisle with their four children, Abby, Ian, Jeremiah, and Hannah. Emily is a graduate of Central Penn College. She cyber schools her children and also works part time at a doctor’s office in Camp Hill. Emily loves spending time with her family. In her spare time, she likes to hang out with friends, crochet, and window shop.

Emily and her family have attended Mechanicsburg Community Church since the first day they opened their doors. She has seen the spiritual and physical growth over the years. She is excited to see what God has in store for the MCC body in the years to come.

Email Emily


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